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Meditation in Enhancing the Human Values on 18.04.2024

We are happy to share that the *Department of Biotechnology* organized a guest lecture on *Meditation in Enhancing the Human Values* today (18.04.2024, Thursday) in AASC Conference hall. *Dr. R. Prahan Kumar*, Professor and Head, Dept. of Community Medicine , MGMCRI, Puducherry delivered a guest lecture and conducted a guided Heartfulness meditation to the students and faculties with mind and body relaxation
In this event, C. Akshaya of III Biotechnology performed Master of Ceremony. Dr. A. Arulkumar, Head, Dept. Biotechnology, AASC gave Welcome Address and Mr. V. Panjatcharam, Assistant Professor, delivered Presidential cum Keynote Address. Mr. S. Gokul of II B. Sc., Biotechnology who introduced about the resource person and finally vote of thanks was given by Martel Clara of I B. Sc., Biotechnology.
The entire program was organized by the faculties of Dept. of Biotechnology and we take this opportunity to thank our respected MD Ji for his constant motivation and unconditional support, our beloved Principal *Dr. S. Vimal Anand* sir for his active encouragement and guidance and all the faculties and students who gave support to us.
Special thanks to Media team for the coverage of event.
Thank you one and all.

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