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Internship ConnectUp for College Students organized by *Think Digital* at IITM Research Park, Chennai on January 28,2024

We are very delighted to share that our college Students of *Department of Computer Science* and *Department of Commerce* participated in Event entitled *Internship ConnectUp* for College Students organized by *Think Digital* at IITM Research Park, Chennai on January 28,2024. The Event was Conducted especially for Students to Gain valuable insights and tips from industry experts on internships, Expand their professional network ,Connect with companies offering internships and Craft their unique online portfolio to showcase their skills.

1.Boobesh.S of II BCA

2.Ganesh kumar.V of II B.Sc CS

3.Kathar Gows.A of II B.Sc IT

4.J.Tamizh Selvan of II B.Com(General) and

5.Harishkumar.M of I BCA

participated in Event and gained knowledge. Among them, two students received an offer of Paid Part-time Internship in the field of *Internet of Things*.

We express our sincere gratitude to our Beloved MD sir, Principal sir, HOD and faculties of our department for their Co-operation and Support

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