Department of Information Technology organized a “Guest lecture on Network Firewall”
Happy Greetings!

We are delighted to share that
Department of Information Technology organized a “Guest lecture on Network Firewall”.
The event commenced with Welcome Address delivered by Mrs. P.Kalaiselvi , Head & Assistant Professor, Department of InformationTechnology. We honoured the guest and Introductory Note was given by *Mr. Netra Prakash, Head &Assistant Professor of Department of BBA and Mr. Sherif Baig, Head & Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Application.
The Guest lecture graced by the resource person *Mr.N.Ravi Bharathi , Sr Analyst, Accenture. His lecture provides a crystal clear idea about how the firewall is laid and works in various sectors. Participants, from all the department students involved enthusiastically indulge in the theme and took part eagerly in the session.
Learning Outcome :

The session concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mrs.C.Karpagavalli,Asst Prof, and the event was well Coordinated by Mr.P.Vakiswaran and Mr.V.Dhinahar, Asst. Prof, Department of Information Technology.
We express our sincere Gratitude to *Our Beloved MD ji,our Respected Principal, Dr.s.Vimal Anand Sir for their guidance and Motivation. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the Department Heads , Staffs and Media Team for their continuous support and encouragement.
Thanks and Regards
Department of Information Technolog