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COMMEMORATE WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL DAY on 7th June, 2022 BY Department of Biotechnology

We feel glad to share here that the Department of Biotechnology successfully organized a guest lecture to commemorate World Environmental Day on 7th June, 2022.

The celebration began with the following competitions conducted for all the first year students enrolled for different programs in the college.

Theme Only one Earth

  1. Drawing
  2. Facial Art
  3. Quiz
  4. Connexion

Following that, in the second half of the day, the guest lecture started with welcome address delivered by Dr. Arulkumar. A, Head, Department of Biotechnology.

Chief Guest introduction was delivered by second year student of Biotechnology.

Chief guest, Dr. T. Ramanathan, Associate Professor from CAS In Marine Biology, Annamalai University delivered a wonderful lecture about Blue Carbon Ecosystem and the need of the hour to protect the earth with the aid of Mangroves.

Finally, the prize winners of the competitions were awarded with prizes by the chief guest along with the Head of the Department of Biotechnology. Vote of thanks proposed by Dr. G. Shivaranjani, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology.

In this regard, we express our sincere gratitude to our Beloved MD ji Dr. J. Aravindhan Ji and respected Principal of AASC, Dr. S. Vimal Anand sir for their ceaseless support and encouragement.

Extending heartfelt thanks to Students of Biotechnology for being the pillars for celebrating such events.

Also, thanking the teaching fraternity of AASC, non teaching staff for their contribution and support.

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