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Inaugural Session of Value Added Course on Topic *” Internet of Things “(IoT)* commenced on18/12/2023

We are Happy to share that Inaugural Session of Value Added Course on Topic *” Internet of Things “(IoT)* commenced today (18/12/2023).

The Inaugural Session began with speech on Importance of course on *IoT* by *Mrs.I.Hepzi Jeya Pushparani*,Head of Department of Computer Science,followed by *Dr.A.Elangovan*,

Assistant Professor,Department of English,spoke about the Prominent features of Value Added Courses .

Subsequently,the session continued with speech of Resource Person *Mr.R.Ramanan,M.Tech.,Senior Development Engineer -IoT,Ignite Labs Pvt., Ltd.,* about Understanding IoT fundamentals,Increasing Integration of IoT in Various Sectors and Explaining how devices ,sensors communicate to create a Network of interconnected Systems.

We express our Heartfelt Thanks to our *Chief Mentor Dr.J.Arawindan ji*,Our Beloved Principal *Dr.V.Shanmugaraju Sir* ,Our Respected

Vice -Principal *Dr.T.Janarthanan Sir* and all other staff members for their unwavering support.

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