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The National Service Scheme (NSS) – TEAM of the college plays a major role in establishing the very essence of vision and mission of this institution.

It provides opportunity to the youth volunteers of this college to take part in various government led community service activities & other outreach programmes.

The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service.

Since its inception, the number of students volunteers found to increase and they whole-heartedly do various services by proving themselves as a socially responsible citizen.

The motto of the NSS is to

• Promote various adventure activities among NSS volunteers
• Infuse the sense of love towards the people without showing any discrimination
• Enhance leadership qualities, fraternity, team spirit and risk-taking capacity
• Improvement of physical and mental strength
• Exposure to new vocational possibilities
• Provide a chance to develop overall personality of the student volunteers.
• Constitute the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood and communal

Through which the volunteers evolve themselves as a

• An accomplished social leader
• An efficient administrator
• A person who understands human nature

Name Designation Department e-mail ID
Dr. R. T. Nirmal Kumar Principal
Mr. K. Ramesh Babu Mentor Department of Computer science
Dr. Rajaprabhu. D Asst. Professor &
Co-ordinator of NSS
Department of B. Com (CS)